Running out of ideas for school lunches during this lockdown? Here are a few easy to cook lunches to keep everyone happy. Simple recipes that include many stock cupboard items to create healthy lunches – all of the recipes take less than 20 minutes prep time.
Read MoreWith Coronavirus being a new virus, there are no specific studies into certain foods or supplements that can help to prevent or cure the disease. But there has been extensive research into role that nutrition plays on immunity as well as the link to helping to reduce the risk of other infections.
Dr Amy Anfilogoff has compilated some simplified nutritional advise to try and help you and your family stay healthy during this period.
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There are many orthodontics options on the market today and they can be very confusing for someone wanting straight teeth. So below, we will highlight the pros and cons of each treatment option.
Read MoreEverything may seem fine and well with your teeth, gums and mouth, and indeed there may be, however it is still important to visit your dentist regularly to ensure any issues are diagnosed early before they can become visible or painful.
Read MoreImplants-Retained Dentures Are The Solution
Read MoreAsk Your S3 Dentist about how Cerezen can improve your quality of life.
Read MoreAll-On-4® Treatment Concept is the name of an effective and efficient technique using 4 dental implants in the upper or lower jaw to secure a set of replacement teeth so they cannot come out.
Read MoreEffortless - Clear - Hygienic - Flexible - Convenient - Removable - Nearly Invisable - Quick - Some of the reasons why Clear Correct can help improve your smile!
Read MorePorcelain veneers or crowns are not always necessary to create that beautiful smile that you have always dreamed off. Composite is a versatile material which has the added benefit that it requires no drilling of healthy enamel.
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